鼎盛科技(深圳市鼎盛強電子有限責任公司)是深圳市知名的U盤及電腦周邊產品生產製造商。我們從1999年即開始專注從事生產製造營銷U盤等相關電子 ...
本公司之經營團隊起源於1985年創立,主力於電子機板材料生產製造公司。多年以來交貨迅速、品質穩定及客戶第一之精神享譽業界。為因應不同市場趨 ...
U盤 +激光筆 +電腦遙控器(可以遙控瀏覽圖片時,Word文檔時,PowerPoint演示等)
If you have internet access and a USB port, then you can enjoy free Internet radio, TV and games with this device. This item delivers more than 20,000 radio stations, 5000 TV stations and 2500 games f ...
If you have internet access and a USB port, then you can enjoy free Internet Radio and TV with this device. This item delivers more than 20,000 radio stations , 5000 TV stations and 2500 games from ar ...
It’s great for use as a safe spy, meeting record, etc.
If you have internet access and a USB port, then you can enjoy free Internet Radio and TV with this device. This item delivers more than 20,000 radio stations and 5000 TV stations from around the worl ...
If you have internet access and a USB port, then you can enjoy free Internet Radio with this device. This item delivers more than 20,000 radio stations from around the world to a desktop or notebook c ...
Built-In Key ring, FM Radio, Voice Recorder