自動洗碗機洗劑 5加侖/桶 (19公升)

自動洗碗機洗劑 4X1加侖/箱(15.2公升)
5加侖/桶 (19公升)http://www.pcstore.com.tw/prowellintl/M26864745.htm
- Sustain 自動洗碗機洗劑是高濃縮的洗碗機專用清潔劑。
- 採用特殊低泡性的介面活性劑。適合洗碗機的清洗使用。
- 潤洗性佳。容易以清水輕易去除。
- 無閃火點。合乎工安要求。
- 合乎衛生署公告之食品用洗潔劑衛生標準。是專為使用於食品器具、食品容器及食品包裝而設計之洗潔劑。
- 本品為高鹼性清潔劑,只能使用於專用的機械設備。切勿接觸肌膚,
- 可分解殘留於器皿上之污垢,適用於高、低溫洗碗機型
- 不可當作一般洗碗精使用。
將Sustain 自動洗碗機洗劑加入自動噴灑系統中,依使用環境的狀況適量調整用量。注意!不可以以人手直接接觸Sustain 自動洗碗機洗劑。此洗劑只適用於自動洗碗機。相關安全規定請參考Material Safety Data Sheet物質安全資料表。Consult your Service Representative for specific directions. Use only in an approved dispenser. Remove detergent container cover. Install the tube of dispenser into the container. Carefully lift container from dispenser, when empty. If products contacts hands, wash off IMMEDIATELY. Do not use on Soft Metals such as Aluminum or Pewter. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONSULT YOUR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET.
Fire火災 |
Health健康 |
Reactivity Data再反應 |
Specific hazard |
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corrosiveness |
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 物質安全資料表 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY UNDERTAKING 物品與廠商資料 Trade name: Sustain Producer: PROWELL INTERNATION CO,LTD 寶羅國際有限公司 台北市信義區基隆路二段13-1號6樓 TEL: +886-2-27223178 FAX: +886-2-27200227 Emergency phone24小時緊急連絡電話: +886-935-020093 Bob Lo 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION 危害辨識資料 GHS危害級別(Hazard category): 金屬腐蝕物:第1級, CORROSIVE TO METALS:1 急毒性物質— 吞食:第4級, ACUTE TOXICITY –ORAL:4 急毒性物質— 皮膚:第4級, ACUTE TOXICITY –DERMAL:4 腐蝕/刺激皮膚物質:第1級, SKIN CORROSION/IRRITATION:1 嚴重損傷/刺激眼睛物質:第1級, EYE DAMAGE/IRRITATION:1 GHS標誌的符號(Symbol): 警示語(Signal word): 危險 Danger 危害警告訊息(Hazard statement): 可能腐蝕金屬, May be corrosive to metals. 吞食有害, Harmful if swallowed. 皮膚接觸有害, Harmful in contact with skin. 造成嚴重皮膚灼傷和眼睛損傷, Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. 造成嚴重眼睛損傷, Causes serious eye damage. 預 防(Prevention) 只能在原容器中存放。Keep only in original container. 使用本產品時,不得飲食、喝水或抽菸。Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. 處置後徹底清洗雙手。Wash hands thoroughly after handling. 著用防護手套,穿防護衣。Wear protective gloves/clothing. 著用眼睛/臉部防護具。Wear eye/face protection. 處置後徹底清洗。Wash thoroughly after handling. 應 變(Response) 吸收溢出物,防止材料損壞。Absorb spillage to prevent material damage. 若不慎吞食:如有不適,立即呼救毒物諮詢中心或送醫。IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feelunwell. 漱口。Rinse mouth. 如皮膚沾染:用大量肥皂和水清洗。IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. 若不慎吸入:移到新鮮空氣處,保持呼吸舒適的體位休息。IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. 如感覺不適,呼叫毒物諮詢中心或送醫。Call a POISON CENTER ordoctor/physician if you feel unwell. 沾汙衣服須經洗滌後方可重新使用。Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 如進入眼睛:用水小心清洗數分鐘。如帶隱形眼鏡且可方便地取出,取出隱形眼鏡。繼續清洗。IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. 如仍覺眼睛有刺激,立即求醫/送醫。If eye irritation persists, get medical advice/attention. 處置後洗手。Wash hands after handling 儲 存(Storage) 儲存於抗腐蝕或有抗腐蝕襯裏的容器中。Store in corrosive resistant container or with a resistant inliner. 存放於涼爽通風處。Store in cool/well-ventilated place. 加鎖存放。Store locked up. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS成份辨識資料 此產品為混合物(This product is a mixture) 危害物質成分(HAZARDS INGREDIENTS) CAS No. Amount (%W/W ) Sodium hydroxide氫氧化鈉 Water treatment; 水質處理劑 Water水 1310-73-2 6419-19-8 7732-18-5 18~28% 2~12% 60~80% 4. FIRST AID MEASURES 急救措施 4.1 Eye contact: 眼睛接觸 - Rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes 立刻以大量清水緩和沖洗受污染部位15 分鐘。 - If irritation persists consult a doctor/medical service 任何不適現象持續時請就醫 4.2 Skin contact: 肌膚接觸 - Wash immediately with lots of water and soap for 15 minutes 立刻以大量清水緩和沖洗受污染部位15 分鐘。 - Remove clothing while washing 沖洗中脫去衣物 - Do not remove clothing if it sticks to the skin 如果衣服黏附肌膚就不要強行脫去衣物 - If irritation persists consult a doctor/medical service 任何不適現象持續時請就醫 4.3 After inhalation: 吸入後處理 - Remove the victim into fresh air 移至空曠處呼吸新鮮空氣 - Unconscious: maintain adequate airway and respiration 昏迷狀態:請維持適當呼吸 - If breathing problems develop: consult a doctor/medical service 發生呼吸困難:請維持適當呼吸並迅速就醫 4.4 After ingestion: 食用處裡 - Immediately after ingestion: give lots of water to drink 立即飲用大量清水 - Never give water to an unconscious person 不可讓昏迷的人喝水 - Allow vomiting 允許催吐 但避免嗆到 - If you feel unwell: consult a doctor/medical service 任何不適現象持續時請就醫 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES 滅火措施 5.1 Suitable extinguishing media: - Water spray - Polyvalent foam - Alcohol foam - BC powder - Carbon dioxide 適用滅火劑:噴水、化學乾粉、酒精泡沫、聚合泡沫、二氧化碳。 5.2 Special protective equipment for firefighters: 特殊防護裝備 - Heat/fire exposure: compressed air/oxygen apparatus of gas-tight suit 壓縮空氣及氧氣供應設備 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 洩漏處理方法 Personal Protection 人員防護 Respiratory: Gauze mask. 佩帶薄紗口罩 Eye: Approved safety glasses with side shield. 使用認可的雙邊防護安全眼鏡 Clothes: Protective work clothes. 穿著工作服 Additional Comments: Eye washes and safety showers should be available. 洗眼設備及安全淋浴設備 Educate and train employees in the use of this product, besides also follow all label instructions. 依照指示教育操作人員 Environmental Precaution 環境保護預防 Should not be allowed to enter drain or watercourses. 不要讓洩漏物流入下水道 Methods for cleaning up 清潔方法 Contain spill with inert material. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth. Place in the container for disposal according to local regulation. 以不活潑的物質攔截洩漏物。用蛭石、乾砂或泥土吸附。將吸附物置入密閉容器中,依據當地法規棄置。 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 安全處置與儲存方法 Handling Mechanical ventilation or local exhaust ventilation is required. Avoid all unnecessary. 機械或區域主動式抽氣裝置是必須的。避免任何不必要的搬運或移動。 Storage Conditions Keep contains tightly closed. Keep away from heat and light. 儲存:保持包裝桶密閉。貯存在通風良好,陰涼及陽光無法直接照射的地方,遠離熱、引燃源和不相容物。 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 暴露預防措施 Exposure Limit Comments 暴露界限 None established.無資料 Engineering controls工程控制: Mechanical ventilation or local exhaust ventilation is required. 1 .單獨使用抗腐蝕的排風系統。2 .排氣口直接通到室外。3.供給充分新鮮空氣以補充排氣系統抽出的空氣。 Hand雙手防護 Use protective gloves made of Butyl rubber. 使用丁基橡膠手套。 Eye眼部防護 Approved safety glasses with side shield. 使用認可的雙邊防護安全眼鏡 Skin and body 肌膚防護 Use suitable protective clothing as protection against splashing or contamination. Launder cloths before re-use. 穿著適當工作服保護操作人員被噴濺到或感染。 工作服再次使用前應清洗。 9. PHYSICALAND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 物理及化學性質 Appearance外觀 clear white liquid 白透明液體 Odor味道 ammonia flavors.氨味 NV(Non volatile ingredients) 非揮發性固型份: >30% pH Value(20℃,0.2%): 12.5+_0.5 Non-Flammable不可燃的 Boiling point沸點: >100 oC Flash point閃火點: N.D. (closed cup) 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 安定性及反應性 Thermal decomposition熱分解 No thermal decomposition when stored and handled correctly. 在適當的操作及儲存條件下不會熱分解 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION 毒性資料 Irritation Skin irritation test(rabbit):corrosive.對皮膚有腐蝕性 Sensitization導致過敏 Non不會 Health effects健康影響 I Skin irritation test(rabbit):corrosive.對皮膚有腐蝕性 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 生態資料 Environmental Fate: (After neutralization中和後) When released into the soil, this material is not expected to evaporate significantly. When released into the soil, this material may leach into groundwater. When released into the soil, this material may biodegrade to a moderate extent. When released into water, this material is not expected to evaporate significantly. When released into water, this material may biodegrade to a moderate extent. This material has an estimated bioconcentration factor (BCF) of less than 100. This material is not expected to significantly bioaccumulate. When released into the air, this material is expected to be readily degraded by reaction with photochemically produced hydroxyl radicals. When released into the air, this material is expected to have a half-life of less than 1 day. 本產品釋放到土壤中,並不會顯著的蒸發。本產品釋放到土壤中,可能會滲透到地下水。本產品釋放到土壤中,會以穩定的速度生物分解。本產品釋放到水中,並不會顯著的蒸發。本產品釋放到水中,會以穩定的速度生物分解。本產品不會生物堆積,其BCF(生物濃縮因數)預期小於100。不會長時間累積在生物體中。本產品釋放到空氣中,會因光照作用快速分解,其半衰期少於1天。 Environmental Toxicity: (After neutralization中和後) The LC50/96-hour values for fish are over 100 mg/l. This material is not expected to be toxic to aquatic life. 本產品釋放到水中,其96小時對於魚的LC50急毒性,大於100 mg/L。本產品對於水中生物目前未發現毒性。商品特色
13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 廢棄處置方法 Disposal methods Dispose in safe map in accordance with local/national regulations. Completely empty contents of drums before discarding.空桶廢棄前請確認內容物完全清空。依照當地法令廢棄於安全的地點。 Waste category Disposal of in accordance with local authority requirements. 依照當地法令廢棄。 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION 運送資料 Transportation regulation varies by local.依據當地法令運送。 聯合國編號:1760 聯合國運輸名稱:腐蝕性液體,未另作規定的。 運輸回害分類:8 包裝類別:Ⅲ 海洋污染物:否 特殊規定:223. 274. 15. REGULATION INFORMATION 法規資料 勞工安全衛生設施規則 危險物與有害物標示及通識規則 勞工作業環境空氣中有害物容許濃度標準 道路交通安全規則 事業廢棄物貯存清除處理及設施標準 公共危險物品及可燃性高壓氣體設置標準暨安全管理辦法 國際法規 符號 : R - 類標誌 : R36 對眼睛有刺激。 S-類標誌句 : S23 不要吸進噴霧。 S24/25 避免沾及皮膚和眼睛。 S26 如沾入眼睛,立即用大量清水清洗,並盡快就醫診治。 16. OTHER INFORMATION 其他 參考文獻 : 行政院勞工委員會 勞工安全衛生處 危險物與有害物標示及通識規則 安全衛生技術中心 Taiwan 2008 GHS Implementation Update 環保署 毒性化學物質標示及物質安全資料表管理辦法 製表單位 : 寶羅國際有限公司 電話: +886 2 27223178 製表人 : 羅寶文 製表日期 : 2013/02/19 與前一版本有較大變化的部分用雙線條表示。 此物質安全資料表提供的資料就本公司所知在其發佈之日是準確無誤的。該資料僅作為安全操作處置、使用、加工、儲存、運輸、廢棄與洩漏等的指導,而不能被作為擔保和品質的指標。以上的資料只適用於此處所指定的特定物質。 對於與其它物質混合使用或此物質被加工過或改變過了的情況,均不適用,除非特別指明。 The information only concerns the above mentioned product as supplied and may not be valid if used with other products or in any process. It remains the user’s own responsibility to make sure that the information is appreciate and complete for the special use of this product.主要產品
總經理Bob Lo
業務聯絡人經理 羅寶文
地址台北市信義區基隆路二段13-1號6樓/ 6F, No.13-1 Sec 2 Keelung Road Taipei Taiwan